المحتجون يعودون مجدداً لساحة الحبوبي ويقطعون الطرق المؤدية لها بالإطارات
2021-01-10 2021-01-10
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Iraqis wave the national flag during a gathering, rejecting the nomination of Mohammad Allawi as premier, in the city of Nasiriyah in Iraq's southern Dhi Qar province on February 2, 2020. - Allawi was named prime minister-designate after a hard-won consensus among Iraq's rival parties, who had struggled to agree on a candidate since outgoing premier Adel Abdel Mahdi resigned under growing street pressure two months ago. Mass rallies have rocked Baghdad and the mainly-Shiite south since October, with protesters demanding snap elections and an independent prime minister as well as accountability for corruption and recent bloodshed. (Photo by - / AFP)
أكد أونلاين – بغداد
أفاد مصدر أمني، اليوم الأحد، بأن عشرات المحتجين عادوا إلى ساحة الحبوبي وسط الناصرية، وقطعوا الطرق المؤدية اليها بالاطارات المحترقة.